10 Awkward Speeches, Interviews And Rants

Pass the mic and prepare for the worst. Here we have 10 awkward speeches, broken interviews, and impromptu rants by celebrities and public officials.

1. In this 1992 Hangin’ With MTV interview with Faith No More, vocalist Mike Patton is too busy picking his nose to even listen to the questions.


2. A young Henry Rollins, way back in 1985, turns the tables on the interviewer. Intimidating? Just a little?


3. Sometimes an interview goes smoothly, like this one from 1980 with Dead Kennedys singer, Jello Biafra. Until the final question is asked. Huh?

4. Or, maybe the subject has just had a bad day in the studio, like Mark Motherbaugh of Devo did.

5. And you can’t expect a trained killing machine to be coherent after beating someone up, as Mike Tyson demonstrates, in this video from 2000.

6. In 1986, Frank Zappa appeared on CNN’s Crossfire… and let the other guest know what he can kiss.

7. At the 2004 Toronto Film Festival, actor Ed Harris demonstrates what the movie, A History of Violence, is about. Yikes.

8. Nardwuar, The Human Serviette is a brutal and obnoxious interviewer from Canada. Most celebrities run from him. But he is no match for Andrew WK, who slices open his own forehead on camera.

9. The late Harvey Pekar made many appearances on David Letterman’s show. Unfortunately, he never started his own.

10. Finally, we arrive at what could be a new reality TV show called Bureacracy… starring the Vancouver City, WA City Council.

So, what did we learn about speaking into a mic? Don’t stress. It’s best when everything goes wrong.

This article was originally published by Mental Floss in October 2010.